Toddler Program
2 -3 Year Olds
Full-Day or Half-Day
Full-Day Hours: M-F, 8am - 3pm or 11:30am - 6pm
Half-Day Hours: M-F, 8am - 11:30am or 2pm - 6pm
“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn… In the words of the child- I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.”
– Maria Montessori
Our Toddler Program
The first three years are a critical time in a child’s life. More and more, science has shown us that the young brain develops in a way and at a pace like in no other phase of human development. Our toddler program provides 2-to-3-year-old children with a safe, engaging, and nurturing environment, in which they can begin participating in their own learning. At this age, children already have a strong drive for independence. Children learn naturally, by doing and moving, as they begin to become active contributors to the world.
In the toddler classroom, there are many things to touch, to handle, and to manipulate. Toddlers already have a driving need to do things for themselves and they learn the power of their bodies through experiences. In fact, the greatest teacher of your child at this age is his or her own hands.
Toddlers learn by exploring rich environments with their five senses. They are not yet social beings, and they don’t establish friendships like they will in the future. During this period of fast growth and development, each one is developing his or her own sparkle and joy!
Our daily class schedule highlights include: the Montessori 3-hour work cycle, followed by outdoor play. Healthy and delicious snacks will be provided by the school and prepared by the children themselves.
For you as a parent
When your child enrolls in our toddler program, it is a big step for your child and also a big step for you as a parent. We welcome you as a partner in your child’s education.
Together, we’ll encourage your child to do things for him or herself, even when it’s tempting to step in and take over. When you take the time to encourage your child to put on her own shoes, wipe up a spill, or to hang up her own towel, you help your child’s confidence grow.